
Holy cow...how has it been 3 months since I got on here and posted?  Sheesh, you'd think I'd been busy readying the house for sale, selecting options for the new one and chasing a kiddo around.  Oh right, that IS what I've been doing.  :)

1 week.  1 week until I'm no longer allowed to call the baby a baby anymore.  Excuse me?  A toddler is what I'm told a baby becomes on their first birthday.  But I'm not sure how we're already at his  first birthday.  I'm not sure how I'm about to have a toddler, as sometimes I have to remind myself that I'm not looking towards a due date, but a birthday.  I honestly cannot comprehend that the last year of my life has flown by in the blink of an eye.

I try to think back to this time last year and recall being giddy with anticipation for the birth of 'baby awesome'.  I remember readying the room and thinking that that I had less than 2 months until our family added a member.  I remember thinking that I was so in love with this kicking being inside of me - even though we hadn't met yet.  And now, a year later I find myself looking towards a week from now, when my baby turns 1.  It makes me stop and think, and of course, reflect on the past 52 weeks.

I honestly did not know, despite what everyone had said, that I would (that I could) LOVE someone this much.  I didn't know how much closer it would bring me and my husband, and how when I see him interact with our son that I love him in a way I didn't know existed.  I didn't know that a smile, a cry, a laugh could reach into my heart and lodge itself there forever.  But it has. It happened in a second, that turned into a day, that somehow, turned into a year.  A year filled with tears, laugher, love, sleepless nights, family firsts, big decisions, and tiny(huge) moments.

I'm going to enjoy this last week of having a baby, and then I'm going to enjoy having a toddler.   But you better believe, that in my heart, he'll always be MY baby.


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