
Showing posts from January, 2013

Update.. January 2013

So I haven't done a "what you're doing now" post for a here you go. Christmas:  Man you loved the wrapping paper.  You would rip the tiniest pieces of paper off, look at me, squeal with joy, and then proceed to eat the paper. You really liked your spinning top, Turtle, Camelbak bottle and, of course, Christmas cookies. are my son after all. You have a lot to say these days.  Most of it is still a mystery to me and Dad, but best I can understand you love your Kitty and Lucy, the light and Fan and your Daddy.  You like to point and have me you tell me what you're pointing at, and you ponder everything I tell you.  Sometimes you even try to make your mouth  move in the same way that mine does. Walking...well you like to walk when holding on to things.  You'll push the kitchen chairs until you hit a barrier, walk around the coffee table and push your baby walker from one end of the house to the other.  It's scary to let go..I know, s