
Showing posts from January, 2012

Things we like- 4 months

Truman is almost 4 months old...4 whole stinkin' months. We've seen Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years come and go already! How is it that I feel like I have blinked my eyes and my child is rolling over, smiling, going to daycare and knocking milestones off the list? Here are a list of things that Truman currently likes: 1. Mommy and Daddy--no one gets smiles like Mom and Dad 2. The pictures that hang above the bed in the master bedroom 3. Skippy --the black and white dog with his contrasting colors is a delight to look at 4. Harry Potter--audio books play at night 5. Monkey pacifier 6. Baby Bjorn 7. Being outside and going for walks ( Thank goodness for a temperate January so far!) 8. Naked baby time! 9. Baths 10. Kicking and stretching I am truly trying to enjoy every moment. I've even started to relish our mid-nite feedings as I know before too long they too will be put on the shelf with the preemie clothes. I know that this list will soon ch