
Showing posts from December, 2012


It's been a week since I said good-bye to Skippy--The first dog I got as a "grown up".  I still look for him and at times think I hear him in the house.  When I hear Lucy's collar, I look for my little guy.  When the baby cried the other night, I thought it was Skippers.  And last night as my sweet husband snored, I awoke to look for Skippy, because I could have sworn he was whining at the end of the bed wanting to cuddle.  I guess when some"one" is a part of your life for 14+ years you don't just remove them from your life. When I was 19 years old I went to the pound and was taken in by sweet brown eyes and ears big enough to fit a great dane.  My roommate, Vanessa, and I couldn't resist the urge to fill our apartment with a four legged friend.  Minutes after we got him home we wondered what we had gotten ourselves in to.  Man that dog was crazy!  But as years, and puppy stages passed, I found myself with a steady companion.  I found in Skippy som

An end and a beginning

Tonight is the last Sunday in the first house I purchased.  I purchased this house with my dear husband nearly eight years ago, and I have loved it.  There have been things about this house that drove me bonkers, but when I reflect upon the past eight years, I reflect with fondness.  This is a house that we made a HOME.  We filled it with friends, family, love, and memories.  In a few shorts days we will close the door to this home and open a new one.  A new house that we will again make our HOME.  But for now, as I'm being nostalgic, I will reflect upon this house. And call upon my friends.. Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young... "Our house, is a very, very, very fine house With two cats  dogs in the yard, life used to be so hard Now everything is easy, 'cause of you" Ok, so maybe everything isn't easy, and we have two dogs ( and a cat ), but still.. this has been a very, very, very fine house. In this house I have been brought to my knees by news both earth sh