
Showing posts from June, 2012

2 important days

Viola Davis, star of "The Help" gave the commencement address at Providence College this year.  In her speech she said "You see the two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you discover why you were born."  I was born on August 3rd, 1979.  On September 16, 2011 I discovered why I was born.  I was born to be a mother. I waited a while to have a baby, in fact I had been married nearly eight years by the time I got pregnant.  This was a choice that Chris and I made together for various reasons. I think, down deep, I always knew we'd have children, even if we didn't do it at 25.  Or 30.  At 25 and 30 I was searching for my purpose, but you can't find and embrace your purpose until you are truly ready.  You can search and search for it, but it's not like buying a shirt at the Gap.  Realizing your purpose takes time, patience, self reflection and acceptance that maybe it's not what you thought it would be.  Honestly

Cleaning out the closet

Why is it that every time I take small clothes from Truman's closet to make space for what he's currently wearing do I feel like a little piece of my heart breaks?  I'm so happy that he's growing into a big boy, but when I look at a 3 month vest and remember when it was big on him I find myself on the verge of tears.  Sounds so silly, I mean it's just clothes, right?  Well I've decided it's more than that.  Every onesie, vest, shirt, etc, represents a precious memory that I'm storing away.  It's a chance to remember that when Truman wore corduroy pants for his 3 month photos that he smiled that morning like I had never seen him smile before.  It's a chance to remember that when preemie clothes hung off him that I could hold him and sing to him and soothe him, even though he was so tiny.  There are so many amazing memories in that closet, so I have to remember that as I wipe away a tear that we're just making room for new memories.