2 important days

Viola Davis, star of "The Help" gave the commencement address at Providence College this year.  In her speech she said "You see the two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you discover why you were born."  I was born on August 3rd, 1979.  On September 16, 2011 I discovered why I was born.  I was born to be a mother.

I waited a while to have a baby, in fact I had been married nearly eight years by the time I got pregnant.  This was a choice that Chris and I made together for various reasons. I think, down deep, I always knew we'd have children, even if we didn't do it at 25.  Or 30.  At 25 and 30 I was searching for my purpose, but you can't find and embrace your purpose until you are truly ready.  You can search and search for it, but it's not like buying a shirt at the Gap.  Realizing your purpose takes time, patience, self reflection and acceptance that maybe it's not what you thought it would be.  Honestly I wasn't ready to find my purpose at 25.  Waiting was the best thing I could have done, because with age and experiences I truly know....being a mother is my reason for being born.  I was born to love, to snuggle, to teach, to support, to guide, to lead.  I was born to look into the face of an angel and know that no matter what, my heart will always overflow with love for my child. I know this is my purpose, because even on the hardest days and longest nights, it still feels right.

It doesn't mean that once you find your purpose that the puzzle perfectly fits together.  There are still tough days and much to be learned, but with a guiding light finding my way comes much easier.What a joy, and a blessing to have found my purpose.  What an overwhelming blessing to find it in the face of my child. Thank you for helping me find my purpose Tman.


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