Cleaning out the closet

Why is it that every time I take small clothes from Truman's closet to make space for what he's currently wearing do I feel like a little piece of my heart breaks?  I'm so happy that he's growing into a big boy, but when I look at a 3 month vest and remember when it was big on him I find myself on the verge of tears.  Sounds so silly, I mean it's just clothes, right?  Well I've decided it's more than that.  Every onesie, vest, shirt, etc, represents a precious memory that I'm storing away.  It's a chance to remember that when Truman wore corduroy pants for his 3 month photos that he smiled that morning like I had never seen him smile before.  It's a chance to remember that when preemie clothes hung off him that I could hold him and sing to him and soothe him, even though he was so tiny.  There are so many amazing memories in that closet, so I have to remember that as I wipe away a tear that we're just making room for new memories.


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