
Showing posts from September, 2012

Adventures in Babyland

Double digits....we have hit double digits ( in months that is!) .  And what an exciting 10 months it has been.  Especially the last few weeks!  But I'm getting ahead of myself, let's get up to speed. The list of things that my baby boy enjoys has definitely expanded, as has the list of 'do not likes'.  We DO NOT like getting teeth!  Ouch!  Thankfully two came through at the same time and we got to discover something we do like, which is popsicles.  Nothing beats a hot day with a sore mouth like a sticky sweet popsicle.  Other likes currently on the list: Watching baseball -in person, on t.v.--doesn't matter  Riding in the stroller while mama huffs and puffs up hills ( I swear if you could talk you'd be yelling "Faster, Faster!".  Instead you just kick your legs as if to spur me on ) Food...just about anything.  Although you made Daddy really proud when you turned your nose up at asparagus.   The dogs and cat...if only they didn't move ou


Today the world lost an amazing woman, your great grandmother Burke.  Grandmother, or GMO, as we called her was my Dad's mom.  To you, she was your great grandmother, so your GGMO.  I can honestly tell you, that although she never met you, she loved you deeply.  She loved to see your pictures and hear stories of all you were doing.  I remember talking to her after you were born, and she was so happy she cried.  She loved having another great grandson and couldn't wait to tell everyone at the manor about her new baby. I'm sorry that you never got to meet her in person-- but thankfully technology allowed us to introduce you to her via web chat.  I'll never forget the look on her face when she heard you cry and got to look into your beautiful blue eyes.  I'll never forget her reaching out to the screen so that she could "touch" your face.  When you're older I'll tell you stories of Gmo's house-- of the apple tree in the backyard, Fritz, and sitt


Holy has it been 3 months since I got on here and posted?  Sheesh, you'd think I'd been busy readying the house for sale, selecting options for the new one and chasing a kiddo around.  Oh right, that IS what I've been doing.  :) 1 week.  1 week until I'm no longer allowed to call the baby a baby anymore.  Excuse me?  A toddler is what I'm told a baby becomes on their first birthday.  But I'm not sure how we're already at his  first birthday.  I'm not sure how I'm about to have a toddler, as sometimes I have to remind myself that I'm not looking towards a due date, but a birthday.  I honestly cannot comprehend that the last year of my life has flown by in the blink of an eye. I try to think back to this time last year and recall being giddy with anticipation for the birth of 'baby awesome'.  I remember readying the room and thinking that that I had less than 2 months until our family added a member.  I remember thinking that