
Showing posts from May, 2012


Don't drink the water...Thanks Dave Matthews.  Guess we all should have taken your advice.  I mean what is it with babies being born early recently?  Is it just because everyone and their brother is having a baby, or is there really something in the water?  I'm not sure, but I'm ready for it to stop and for these babies to be born healthy and full term. In the past few months I've had two friends deliver their little ones at 28 weeks--goodness gracious, that is so early.  And makes me feel thankful for every single day I got to carry my Truman.  It's hard to put in to words what I feel when I hear from my friends that their babies were early.  I do know that every emotion, anxious feeling and memory floods my system.  It's like I can see the isolette, be distracted by the bili lights and hear the constant symphony of beeps and alarms.  In a second I am standing in the NICU wondering how I got there.  My heart drops into my stomach and all I want to do is hug m

A whole hand of months...

5. My son is 5 months old. I now have to use every finger on one hand to count the number of months he's been with us. How in the world is this possible? There have been so many sweet moments in the last five months and everyday gets a little sweeter. Our world is full of toothless, full face smiles and there is nothing like peering over the crib to find a cooing and smiling baby. I love to listen to Truman on the monitor in the early hours of the morning when he's 'talking' to his mobile and entertaining himself. I love sitting in a dimly lit room singing songs and reading books. I love snuggling up under a blanket. I love watching my husband kiss the top of the baby's head with a level of tenderness I have never seen before. My sweet son has discovered his fingers, and man must they taste good. We've also ventured into the world of solid foods and have a love affair with bananas. (It should be noted that every morning of my pregnancy found me eat

Happy Mother's Day

Today is a special day...but let's be honest, they all are with you in my life.  As I spend my first mother's day as your mother, I can't help but be filled with an overwhelming joy that brings tears to my eyes.  In your almost 8 months on this planet I have learned to love with a capacity I didn't know I had.  All it takes is one look from you:  one grin, one slobbery smirk and I know that all is right in my world. When I count my blessings I count you every second of every son, my love. Happy Mother's Day to me.