
Showing posts from July, 2022

Between two birthdays

In about 2 weeks my sweet Fletch will turn 7, a joyous celebration will occur much like the day he was born.  Much like the day I found out I was expecting.  Very much unlike the day about 11 months prior to his arrival when I could no longer carry the child growing inside me. On the day when that child stopped growing, but could not safely, or naturally leave my body.   I see the signs that say “value them both” and my blood boils.  This argument, while based in what I truly believe is a good place, is flawed.  It only assumes that life is made and life is born.  But we all know that life is messy.  It's not clean.  It's not easy.  Creating a life, and especially a healthy one, is a miracle.  It requires a million things to come together at the perfect time.  And when I see those signs, I am angry.  Because I am alive, and my child is alive and we deserve to be alive. So why not honor my existence and that of my child because without the necessary medical intervention that was