
Showing posts from October, 2012

The Myth of Perfection

 I went for a walk today with a friend who has a 3 month old.  It was fun to look back 9 months and try to remember what life was like.  Those first smiles, those L-O-N-G nights, and the return to work.  I was happy to share my successes as well as my struggles, and you know what, it felt to good to air my struggles.  It felt good to say out loud 'not every day has been a piece of cake', ' I actually haven't figured it all out yet'.  Because you know what, for most of us, we don't have it all figured out.  We get overwhelmed, we miss workouts, we're late for work-- we are parents.  Just when we think we have it all figured out, something happens--a growth spurt, a change in processes at work, a full moon.  Life happens. So it's kind of cool that tonight, just by chance, I found this quote " We have to stop comparing our worst moments with everyone else's best moments." Whoa. Hello..and duh, all at the same time.  How obvious does that s