What a year....

Wow 2013....you really brought it.  From the really good, to the really bad, this year had it all.  I really felt as if I grew as a person, a mother, a boss and a friend.  So I'll try to recap, because let's be honest, my blogging was a bit hit or miss this year.

We finally caught our breath after the holidays and the big move in December.  The routine we all so desperately craved returned and life was normal, at least our version of normal.  :)  The house, which was new and different, felt perfect...felt as if it was the place we always belonged.  The kitchen found itself humming as friends sat around the island sharing stories, laughs and even a few tears.  The first nicks found their way into the floors, dust started to settle into the corners and decor crept into rooms. And even the small, warm space in bed that once belonged to Skippy started to feel less empty as each morning a snuggly toddler filled it.  Life, like our house, slowly began to settle in to the place it's supposed to be...

February dawned cold, and Uncle Ryan kept hoping that Truman would take his first steps as a priceless birthday present.  And wouldn't you know...This was the month he found himself on two legs, nearly dancing with joy at his new found freedom.  I found the realization that independence is gained slowly and only when one is ready.  Shoes became a real part of the wardrobe and Truman learned what a great sound velco makes when being pulled again, and again and again.  (think about that noise for a minute and then imagine it being the soundtrack of almost every car trip).  Late in February the weathermen were amped...snowmaggedon, the snowpacalyse, whatever you want to call it, was looming in the forecast.  The morning started with a few lazy snowflakes fluttering around the backyard, and ended with nearly 2 feet of snow.  And then a week later, someone shook the snow globe and it happened again.  Needless to say, we had the chance to introduce Truman to the beauty of snow.  He was as mesmerized as the rest of us as we watched the world turn from winter brown to sparkling white.

Spring did eventually find it's way here.  And we welcomed it's arrival and the chance to explore the world outside.  Everything warranted exploration, and walks around the neighborhood provided endless entertainment.  Frogs at the pond were caught and released..and then caught again to fits of laughter.  Truman met a praying mantis, and the video of that moment brought endless joy to so many.

June.  The world shook.  And even today, there are still a few aftershocks.  After all, how does one deal with the loss of a good friend, especially when it is so unexpected?  There are still lessons to be learned, and lessons to share, but as I look back, I am thankful for the support I had around me to get me through.  Everywhere I looked, I found a friend.  Friends showed up when they weren't invited, because they knew I needed it.  Hugs were plenty, and they were long and strong, because I needed someone to give me strength, and my friends knew it.  Cards. Letters. Emails. Texts.  Lunch. Drinks.  I am grateful to my friends and family, some of who saw me at my absolute worst and still said "I love you, and I'm here for you."  for standing by me through this terrible time.

July took us out of town, and the timing couldn't have been better.  We drove first to St. Louis for a stop at Grandma and Papa's house.  Then we packed up, and headed north to Michigan to visit with friends.  We met Reagan, who was so new to this world, I swear he still had tags.  And on vacation, we learned that it's not always the big things that make a vacation fun...sometimes just a puddle of water is enough.  :)  Oh, and also, sand is terrifying.  We returned home and were blessed with another baby boy joining our group-- Teddy.  Truman tickled his feet, and kissed his head, and I swear he whispered the secrets to keeping parents up all night. Love was all around.

The rest of summer rolled on... and Truman picked up steam with words, activities and general hilarity. We watched the Royals, caught a foul ball, learned that tailgating with a toddler doesn't always work and discovered that packing a hot dog, with ketchup, of course, is necessary.  I found that my feet craved the pavement and started finding peace with running again.  Many a warm summer evening was spent on the deck, listening to crickets and the breeze, and losing myself in conversation with Chris.  And on the evenings where the breeze teased of the upcoming change in seasons, we snuggled under a blanket and watched the stars dance.

The Dude, as much as I fought against it, turned 2.  He shot up to the 40th percentile for height, and shed the squishiness from his baby days.  He started to look more and more like a boy, and less and less like a baby.  He had a baseball themed party and celebrated with friends, family and neighbors.  His actual birthday was spent at the "K" and Chris, trying to avoid the sign I made to share this fact, found himself on tv, appearing "thrilled" with said sign  :)  A great day for all.

Late September found my heart happy again, as our family welcomed another member.  Ryan and Renee wed on a day that was written in the stars.  The setting was as beautiful as the love they share and tears of joy couldn't be contained( and I wasn't the only one).  Truman attempted the role of ring bearer, however the aisle runner had different plans and he tripped down the aisle, until he had enough. He must have known that the day was something special because he, in his own way, shared his message of goodwill, by quietly cheering "Let's Go Royals" after the vows were exchanged. Overwhelmed by the days' events led to an early bedtime for Truman, and an evening full of stories and laughter for the rest of us.

In October, I took to the streets of Kansas City with my friend Michelle, and in our way, over 13.1 miles we said "good-bye" another time.  And some of those friends I mentioned earlier, they were there supporting me that day as well.  Later that month pumpkins were picked and faces carved.  A fire pit was pulled in front of the house, and hot dogs were roasted in anticipation of the parade of costumes that was soon to follow.  Our little man was a little monkey, well at least long enough for a few pictures.  Then he was a precocious two year old in a t-shirt again.  There are battles you fight, there are battles you don't...this was one we didn't fight.  Because honestly, Mommy's little monster was still adorable.

The year ended pretty quietly...there were visits from friends and to friends to welcome yet another baby, trips to see bulldozers and a tear free visit to see Santa.  Christmas morning dawned in our house and the look of amazement at Santa's delivered presents was classic.  The house filled with family, conversation and too much food, and it was all good.

It is now the last day of 2013 and the sun, quite literally is setting.  The clouds tonight are vibrant--pink and orange splashed all across the sky as if to tell the fireworks that will come later that they aren't the only ones making magic tonight.   It's as if they are asking us to pause for a moment and remember that even when things look bleak, as they often do in late December, there is always beauty around.  And I think that is how I will remember this year.  In a year, when at times, things looked bleak, there was always something good in my life.  There was the time, with a toddler in my lap, where I got to learn he difference between an excavator and a bulldozer and then to take road trips to find them in action.  The time I got to hold a child, hold a hand, hold my breath and make a wish.  The times I got to share advice and seek advice.  So many times, when I got to do so many beautiful things.

And finally, 2013 has reminded me to always say "I Love You" because you never know what tomorrow will bring.

Cheers to a beautiful 2014.  


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