Feet first

Friday, February 1, 2013

You let go tonight.  You let go and you walked on your own.  I realize that this is the first of many times that you will let go and venture out on your own.  And I've never been prouder of your independence. The look of awe on your face as you realized that you did this all by yourself was nothing short of amazing.  As you clapped your hands and literally applauded your effort, I cheered right along with you.  Your joy filled the room, and my cheeks ached from smiling.  Your tentative steps, turned into quick steps, turned into heaps on the floor, and all were followed by giggles and smiles.  Son, I hope that you always retain your positive spirit.  In life we try new things, we fall down, but in the end, if you can smile, you can get back up and try it again. I applaud you as you applaud yourself, and I always will.

I applaud your independence, as hard as it is for me to let go ... but just like you, I'll learn.

So, feet first, here we go....


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